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Radikaler Optimismus

Galerie K´, Bremen, Germany

There is that moment when you carry home a plastic bag full of tomatoes and realize how the tomatoes and the bag form a delicate bond. The tomatoes seem fresh and aromatic despite, or perhaps because of, their transparent microplastic wrapping. Consumption appears as a promise of more - hope, satisfaction, perhaps even salvation. 

In the Radical Optimism group of works, everyday objects are given a new presence. On a screen, handles, ashtrays and tires are transformed into sacred artefacts. On the one hand, they shine in their were-fetishistic splendor; at the same time, they are charged with hopes and desires. An animated car tire rotates on its own axis; symbols of zodiac signs can be seen on its outside.  One thinks of migrant movements and of earlier seafarers who followed the constellations of the stars.  

Compared to typical capitalist symbols - hamburgers or Coca-Cola cans - such a rotating tire seems much more abstract. Although an aesthetic of consumption remains, the moment of universal hope also shimmers through the shiny surface. 

with persuasive trace resting heavy behind your shoulders | 2024

EntVerein, Stadt Haag, Austria